God's Promises | Multiplication | Blessings
Wilson Kulaba Ministries
Priscilla and I are delighted that you have chosen to visit our web site! We welcome you to pray with us and share the testimony with your friends and family. ~ Ap. Dr. Wilson Evans Kulaba
Partner With Us
God has called us to stand together! Through partnership we maximize our impact for
the Kingdom.
How To Receive Jesus
Are you ready to discover how to receive
Him as Lord and Savior?
Reach Outs
Our Response To The Less Priviledged.
His Kids
. Through the years, many Children have enrolled in all these schools most of whom are orphans.
My Dream Therapy
Ap. Dr. Evans Kulaba
Founder Of Jubilee Chriistian Life Churches Uganda
Vs 6; Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled.
[Scriptural reference Matthew 5:6 NIV ]
One of the biggest lies that the devil has used on so many believers is to get so comfortable and satisfied with a few blessings that have come their way,
In so doing, we are left with a people that cannot receive the new that God is doing because they are stuck in the old.
But I want you to know the level of your hunger and humility in God will always determine how much you can receive from God.
...Show me a man who has been greatly used by God and I will show you a humble and Hungry man in God.
Therefore, as you step out this week, May you keep the hunger for God and watch how he will use you in Jesus' Name.
Deutronoumy 1:11
-AP. Dr. Evans.Kulaba
#21days of Prayer and Fasting
Special Offers
Dr. Wilson Evans Kulaba is a dynamic minister with an apostolic insight on matters concerning the Kingdom of God that surpasses his years in the ministry.